Ready to QUIT? Sign Up for Free Classes or Counseling.
Are you a smoker trying to quit? We can help.
Breathe DC is providing no contact cessation services. If you want to quit smoking and stay quit, sign up for our FREE online cessation classes.
Interested in counseling instead of classes?
If you’d prefer one-on-one counseling support instead of cessation classes, click here to inquire about counseling.
Quitting can help reduce stress and lower blood pressure. If you smoke or use tobacco, we would like for you to participate in these FREE virtual cessation classes using Zoom on your computer, tablet or phone. You don’t even have to leave your home! Anyone living in DC can sign up for one of our four classes by clicking on the link to register. Space is limited, so REGISTER NOW.
About Our Cessation Services
Breathe DC helps smokers kick the habit. We target our cessation services to reach the people and communities with the most need. Our classes are free and open to all. To find a cessation class near you, contact us here or call 202-574-6789.
Helping People in Need-Smokers and Non-Smokers
About 1 in 6 black adults in the United States smokes cigarettes (17.5%). In the District, about 1 in 3 black adults is a smoker (26%). Cigarettes put smokers at risk for heart disease, cancer, and stroke, which are among the leading causes of death for blacks in the United States. People who breathe secondhand smoke are at risk for many of the same sicknesses and diseases, even though they do not smoke.
We provide the resources and tools you need to succeed.
Breathe DC cessation classes equip you with the tools you need to succeed at quitting. If you’re ready, let’s get started. Call 202-574-6789 or contact us here.
FREE help and resources to quit are available from the DC Quitline. Call 1-800-QUIT NOW
FREE Resource: Get the QuitGuide Mobile App
QuitGuide is a free app that helps you understand your smoking patterns and build the skills needed to become and stay smokefree. New to QuitGuide in 2016 is the ability to track cravings by time of day and location. Get inspirational messages for each craving you track, which keep you focused and motivated on your smokefree journey.
QuitGuide helps you:
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