Breathe DC

Author Archives

IMPACT Partnership Program Empowers Parents of Children with Asthma

AmeriHealth District of Columbia, Children’s National Medical Center and Breathe DC partner to fight childhood asthma through IMPACT DC …

FDA’s anti-smoking campaign to target teens

Early next year, half a century after the U.S. surgeon general first proclaimed the deadly effects of smoking, the Food and Drug Administration will launch a …

Creating Smokefree Homes

Breathe DC is proud to advocate for the adoption of smokefree housing policies in communities throughout the District. Like our local and national partners in …

Breathe DC and partners testify to DC Council about e-cigarettes

November 22, 2013 – On November 21, Breathe DC joined a group of local smokefree advocates to testify before the DC Council about the dangers of …

Flu shot especially important for those with asthma

Getting a flu shot is important for everyone, but it is very important for those with asthma because the flu can make asthma symptoms worse, U.S. officials …

Taking Asthma to School

Asthma is a leading chronic condition that causes students to miss school, which can have a direct effect on their academic success. Addressing asthma …

‘A tale of two cities’: Confronting D.C.’s asthma problem

The District of Columbia has one of the highest rates of pediatric asthma in the country, and among the highest rates of children who are hospitalized because …

October is Children’s Health Month

October is National Child Health Month. In October and throughout the year, Breathe DC encourages our partners, supporters, and community members to help …

Breathing easier: Washington’s improvement in air quality

For the first time since 2009, and only the second time in the last 16 years, Washington, D.C. had zero code red days for unhealthy air quality in the summer …

Effi Barry Grant Program: Our HIV & Tobacco Education Project

The HIV and Tobacco Education Program, funded by the Effi Barry Grant Program, is a partnership between Breathe DC and Damien Ministries to provide health …

Monthly Post Archives

July 2024